MotoLab Typhoon F4 Flight Controller
MotoLab's flight controllers have always been on the forefront of innovation and their newly released Typhoon F4 flight controller is no exception. It features all the latest technologies you would want in a flight controller, plus a built in PDB with current sensor, filtered 5v regulator to power other electronics, and the new VTX interface, that allows you to stack the Typhoon VTX directly on top of this FC, without any cabling. For the ultimate in clean installation and performance, the Typhoon is sure to blow you away.
- 168MHz STM32F4 version of Tempest
- 100+A PDB with motor current sensor
- MPU6000 gyro/acc on SPI bus
- Up to 4 serial ports plus USB
- Up to 6 Dshot motor outputs
- Serial inverters for SBUS and S.PORT
- 1.5A 5V regulator with LC filtered 5V for VTX and camera
- Plug-in connection to VTX board
- 38x40mm board size with 30.5mm mounting hole spacing
The Typhoon F4 is compatible with Betaflight using the new MOTOLABF4 board target.
The F4 board mates directly with the VTX board with no external wiring between the two.
Latest MotoLab Typhoon info here
Typhoon F4 Flight Controller Pinout
1x MotoLab Typhoon F4 Flight Controller